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Story Mode

Living and working:

Near Paris, France

Number of years in the video game industry:


Birthdate: April 24th 1984

Job: Narrative Designer

Languages: French, English

Number of people under my management:


Number of games I worked on:


    After I graduated as an IT engineer, I decided to work in the videogames industry in order to develop my creative skills and work with passionate people.

    That's why I have integrated Cyanide Studio after an internship at Kando Games which was my first step in this industry. I also worked at Microsoft as an engineer before working at Cyanide. This experience has been a great opportunity to see how a big company works with all the internal processes and how to build strong products.

    I started working at Cyanide Studio as a game designer on Game of Thrones the RPG. There was no storyline at the time that satisfied the Creative Director and the Lead Designer. So I decided to rapidly worked my way toward a writing position by proposing a pitch, which was accepted. 

    I became Lead writer on the project, carrying the story in every aspects of the development: maintain the narrative vision and consistency throughout the project, review of the dialogues and cutscenes, be the principal interlocutor for the rest of the writing team, choose and direct the voice actors, create and develop the characters profiles, ...

    After the end of the project, I was proposed to create a Quality Department which was a great challenge. I have built it from square one. I started alone and it went up to a team of five persons under my lead. During my three years as a QA Manager we shipped over a dozen of games like Styx : Master of Shadows or Blood Bowl II. Meanwhile I also act as a writing consultant for the studio (for Styx : Master of Shadows).

     Writing is definitely my main interest that's why I wanted to get back to it as soon as possible. I then became Lead Narrative Designer on our latest project Call of Cthulhu, the official adaptation of the pen and paper RPG. In my current position, I am in charge of the missions creation and maintaining the story consistency trough the game.


     Even on my off time I can't get away from my love for the writing. That's why I have published my first novel because I love creating stories that drive people within great story and that convey a lot of emotions.




© 2017 by Maximilien LUTZ

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